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  • An Audion By British Thomson-Houston?
    This author has scanned all the magazines that appear on this website and many had very intersting articles like this one that Fin Stewart submitted in Vol. 14, No 2, April, 2012. Fin Stewart quote: “I picked up a mint copy of the book: BTH, Reminiscences – Sixty Years of Progress published in 1946, and…
  • Diodes From the Twenties
    John Fleming, working for the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. in London and was the first to experiment with the Edison Effect light bulb. Some of the 2nd generation Fleming valves were tubular and were mounted in what became known as the “Gallows Type”. Third and fourth generation Fleming valves took on the shape of English…
  • DeForest Audion Box with French Markings
    DeForest Audion with a normal looking Box
  • This is my first article
    Hell, I’m a new user and I’m writing my first post.
  • Vacuum Tubes That Went to Court
    This is a copy, with a few updates, that this author uploaded to on 2/2/2021. Hope it has some interest? This author, 15 years ago, attended an auction in New York City. While no old radios or vacuum tubes were mentioned, 1 lot did have several items that I had to purchase. The items…